Sunday, November 22, 2009

And in this corner...

It seems that Verizon Wireless and AT&T (the US's two largest wireless providers) are going to war. The two companies have been waging war via commercials in similar fashion to the Mac vs. PC battle that has been raging for a number of years now. The battle has even spilled over into the courts; according to the E-Commerce Times. But all legal mumbojumbo aside, what does this mean for you, the US consumer? This is great because it means that both companies will most likely end up in a price war in conjunction with a race to build a larger more up-to-date network. Which means that consumers in small town USA will be able to enjoy and utilize new technologies such as m-commerce without having to be in a metropolis. It's too bad Telus, Rogers, and Bell can't do the same here in Canada. But it's expected, Canadian wireless providers have been screwing us for years, why should they stop now?

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